Short Breaks
Need someone to cover a loved one's care for a short break?
Satash offers short breaks for both children and adults with learning disabilities. Our short break services offers positive life experiences for children and young people, ensuring a wide range of high quality opportunities and providing positive life experiences for children and young people, as well as a break for their parents and carers.
We offer short break support through our outreach team. The staff can come into the home to support an individual whilst their carers have a break or, alternatively, our team can support the individual to go away on holiday for a few days, midweek or for the week.
Staff will provide 1:1 support so that the person can experience/enjoy a memorable time away which includes making new friends, building confidence, building self-esteem or just to have fun and relax and enjoy a different environment other than the one they live and work in. We also provide short breaks that include participation in community activities.